Apache Spark

Apache Spark

Course Presentation

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Ch.04-01: Introduction

In this lesson, we will explain the following topics:

  • Understand the course structure and objectives.
  • Familiarize with the course references and resources.
  • Learn about the prerequisites needed for the course.

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Ch.04-02: Python Vs. Scala

In this lesson, we will explain the following topics:

  • Compare the differences between Python and Scala in the context of Spark.
  • Understand the performance implications of using Python vs. Scala.
  • Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of each language for Spark development.

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Ch.04-03: Introduction

In this lesson, we will explain the following topics:

  • Learn about the origin and development of Apache Spark.
  • Understand the key milestones and contributions to the Spark project.
  • Explore the unified engine design of Spark for large-scale distributed data processing.

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Ch.04-04: About Databricks

In this lesson, we will explain the following topics:

  • Understand the role of Databricks in the Spark ecosystem.
  • Learn about Databricks’ contributions to Spark development and the community.
  • Explore the capabilities of the Databricks analytics platform.

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Ch.04-05: Spark In The Data Platforms

In this lesson, we will explain the following topics:

  • Understand the role of Spark in data platforms.
  • Learn about the technical components of a data lake.
  • Explore how Spark integrates with other big data technologies.

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Ch.04-06: Running Spark

In this lesson, we will explain the following topics:

  • Learn the different methods for running Spark, including Databricks, local installations, and Docker.
  • Understand the steps to set up and run Spark in various environments.
  • Explore the benefits of using the Databricks Community Edition for learning and small projects.

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Ch.04-07: Demo: Running Spark on Linux Ubuntu

In this lesson, we will explain the following topics:

  • Demonstrate the process of installing and running Spark on Linux Ubuntu.
  • Understand the configuration steps required for Spark installation on Ubuntu.
  • Explore the execution of Spark applications on a Linux environment.

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Ch.04-08: Demo: Running Spark on MacOS

In this lesson, we will explain the following topics:

  • Demonstrate the process of installing and running Spark on macOS.
  • Understand the configuration steps required for Spark installation on macOS.
  • Explore the execution of Spark applications on a macOS environment.

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Ch.04-09: Demo: Running Spark on Windows

In this lesson, we will explain the following topics:

  • Demonstrate the process of installing and running Spark on Windows.
  • Understand the configuration steps required for Spark installation on Windows.
  • Explore the execution of Spark applications on a Windows environment.

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Ch.04-10: Demo Running Spark On Databricks

In this lesson, we will explain the following topics:

  • Demonstrate the process of running Spark on Databricks.
  • Understand the benefits of using Databricks for Spark workloads.
  • Explore practical examples of Spark applications running on Databricks.

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Ch.04-11: From Map Reduce To Spark

In this lesson, we will explain the following topics:

  • Understand the basic idea and stages of MapReduce.
  • Learn about the limitations of MapReduce and the motivation for Spark.
  • Explore the improvements offered by Spark over MapReduce, including in-memory processing and optimized execution.

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Ch.04-12: Spark Characteristics

In this lesson, we will explain the following topics:

  • Learn about the key characteristics of Spark, including speed, ease of use, modularity, and extensibility.
  • Understand how Spark achieves its high performance through hardware utilization, DAG scheduling, and the Tungsten execution engine.
  • Explore the benefits of Spark’s modular and extensible architecture.

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Ch.04-13: Spark Applications

In this lesson, we will explain the following topics:

  • Understand the components of a Spark application, including the driver and executors.
  • Learn about the execution process of Spark applications in a distributed environment.
  • Explore the different languages supported by Spark for application development.

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Ch.04-14: Spark Driver

In this lesson, we will explain the following topics:

  • Learn about the role and key functions of the Spark driver.
  • Understand how the driver schedules and distributes tasks to executors.
  • Explore the communication and resource management responsibilities of the driver.

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Ch.04-15: Spark Session

In this lesson, we will explain the following topics:

  • Understand the concept and purpose of a SparkSession.
  • Learn how to create and use a SparkSession in a Spark application.
  • Explore the benefits of SparkSession for simplifying Spark interactions and configurations.

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Ch.04-16: Spark Cluster Manager

In this lesson, we will explain the following topics:

  • Understand the role of the cluster manager in Spark applications.
  • Learn about the different cluster managers supported by Spark, including Standalone, Hadoop YARN, Apache Mesos, and Kubernetes.
  • Explore the resource allocation and management responsibilities of the cluster manager.

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Ch.04-17: Spark Execution Mode

In this lesson, we will explain the following topics:

  • Learn about the different execution modes in Spark, including cluster mode, client mode, and local mode.
  • Understand the differences and use cases for each execution mode.
  • Explore how to configure and execute Spark applications in various modes.

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Ch.04-18: Spark Executors

In this lesson, we will explain the following topics:

  • Understand the role and functions of Spark executors.
  • Learn how executors execute tasks and communicate results.
  • Explore the resource management and lifecycle of executors in a Spark application.

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Ch.04-19: Spark Data Partitioning

In this lesson, we will explain the following topics:

  • Learn about data distribution and partitioning in Spark.
  • Understand the benefits of partitioning for efficient parallelism and task allocation.
  • Explore practical examples of data partitioning and its impact on Spark performance.

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Ch.04-20: Spark Operations

In this lesson, we will explain the following topics:

  • Understand the two types of Spark operations: transformations and actions.
  • Learn about the immutability of Spark operations and its implications.
  • Explore examples of transformations and actions, including lazy evaluation and its benefits.

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Ch.04-21: Transformations Narrow Vs Wide

In this lesson, we will explain the following topics:

  • Learn about the two types of Spark transformations: narrow and wide.
  • Understand the characteristics and benefits of narrow transformations.
  • Explore the implications and performance considerations of wide transformations.

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Ch.04-22: Demo: Immutability In Spark

In this lesson, we will explain the following topics:

  • Demonstrate the concept of immutability in Spark.
  • Understand how Spark ensures immutability and its impact on data processing.
  • Explore practical examples of immutable operations in Spark.

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Ch.04-23: Demo: RDD Text Manipulation

In this lesson, we will explain the following topics:

  • Demonstrate text manipulation using RDDs in Spark.
  • Learn how to apply transformations and actions on text data.
  • Explore practical examples of RDD operations for text processing.

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Ch.04-24: Demo: GroupByKey Vs. ReduceByKey

In this lesson, we will explain the following topics:

  • Compare the differences between groupByKey and reduceByKey in Spark.
  • Understand the performance implications of each operation.
  • Explore practical examples to illustrate the use cases and benefits of both operations.

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Ch.04-25: Demo: Joining RDDs

In this lesson, we will explain the following topics:

  • Demonstrate the process of joining RDDs in Spark.
  • Learn about the different types of joins supported by Spark.
  • Explore practical examples of RDD joins and their applications in data processing.

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Ch.04-26: Demo: RDD Operations Part 1

In this lesson, we will explain the following topics:

  • Demonstrate the use of Spark RDD APIs, including map, flatMap, filter, reduce, groupBy, groupByKey, and reduceByKey for data transformation, extraction, organization, and reduction.
  • Learn to apply various operations for efficient data processing and aggregation.
  • Showcase how to navigate and utilize the Spark documentation effectively.

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Ch.04-27: Demo: Repartition Vs. Coalesce

In this lesson, we will explain the following topics:

  • Explain in detail the difference between repartition and coalesce in Spark RDD APIs.
  • Analyze the Spark source code implementation for repartition and coalesce to understand their differences.
  • Demonstrate practical examples of how to use repartition and coalesce functions in Spark.

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