From Map Reduce To Spark

From Map Reduce To Spark

Lesson objectives

In this lesson, we will explain the following topics:

  • Understand the basic idea and stages of MapReduce.
  • Learn about the limitations of MapReduce and the motivation for Spark.
  • Explore the improvements offered by Spark over MapReduce, including in-memory processing and optimized execution.

From MapReduce to Apache Spark

The basic idea of MapReduce

  • Assume we need to launch a high-throughput bulk-production sandwich shop.
  • This sandwich has a lot of raw ingredients, and our target is to produce the sandwich as quickly as possible.
  • To make the production very quickly we need to distribute the tasks between the workers.

This example taken from

The basic idea of MapReduce

We break this into three stages:

  • Map.
  • Shuffle/Group (Mapper Intermediates).
  • Reduce.

This example taken from


We distribute our raw ingredients amongst the workers.


This example taken from


We will organise and group the processed ingredients into piles, so that making a sandwich becomes easy.


This example taken from


We’ll combine the ingredients into a sandwich.


This example taken from

Map Reduce Bottleneck

Map Reduce Bottleneck

Spark Motivation

  • In-Memory Processing.
  • Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs): Spark uses RDDs to perform parallel operations on data stored across cluster nodes, minimizing disk I/O by keeping data in RAM.
  • Optimized Execution (DAG execution engine): The DAG execution engine organizes computations efficiently, reducing unnecessary operations and combining tasks to lower data movement.
  • Caching: Spark allows for the caching of intermediate data in memory, benefiting iterative algorithms that reuse data, thereby avoiding repetitive disk access.
  • Advanced Optimization (Catalyst optimizer and Tungsten): With components like the Catalyst optimizer and Tungsten for memory and CPU efficiency, Spark streamlines execution, making it ideal for fast, iterative processing over big data.

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