Spark Characteristics

Spark Characteristics

Lesson objectives

In this lesson, we will explain the following topics:

  • Learn about the key characteristics of Spark, including speed, ease of use, modularity, and extensibility.
  • Understand how Spark achieves its high performance through hardware utilization, DAG scheduling, and the Tungsten execution engine.
  • Explore the benefits of Spark’s modular and extensible architecture.

Spark Characteristics

Spark Characteristics

  • Speed.
  • Ease of use.
  • Modularity.
  • Extensibility.

Spark Characteristics: Speed

  • Spark’s speed is achieved through various strategies.
    • Hardware Utilization: Spark leverages commodity hardware with extensive memory and multiple cores, utilizing efficient multithreading and parallel processing for improved performance.
    • Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG): Spark constructs computations as a DAG. Its scheduler and optimizer create an efficient graph, allowing parallel task execution across cluster workers. This topic will be discussed later.

Spark Characteristics: Speed

  • Spark’s speed is achieved through various strategies.
    • Tungsten Execution Engine: Tungsten enhances Spark’s speed by optimizing memory management, shifting from JVM-managed objects to direct binary processing, and employing cache-optimized algorithms and advanced code generation. These improvements reduce CPU and memory bottlenecks, significantly boosting performance. This topic will be discussed later.

Spark Characteristics: Ease of use

  • Spark simplifies big data processing with an abstraction called a Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD).
  • RDDs serve as the foundation for higher-level data structures like DataFrames and Datasets in Spark. This topic will be discussed later.
  • Compared with MapReduce and other complex distributed processing frameworks, Spark provides a simple programming model with a range of transformations and actions.

Spark Characteristics: Modularity

  • Spark operations are flexible, supporting various workloads and languages: Scala, Java, Python, SQL, and R.
  • It provides unified libraries with comprehensive APIs (SparkSQL, Structured Streaming, MLlib, and GraphX).
  • These modules allow Spark to handle different workloads under a single engine.
  • With Spark, you can develop a single application for diverse tasks without the need for separate engines or learning different APIs, achieving a unified processing framework.

Spark Characteristics: Extensibility

  • Spark focuses on its fast, parallel computation engine rather than on storage (Unlike Apache Hadoop, which included both storage and compute).

Spark Characteristics: Extensibility

  • Spark can process data from various sources like Hadoop, Cassandra, HBase, MongoDB, Hive, RDBMSs, and others in memory for faster processing.
  • Spark’s DataFrameReaders and DataFrameWriters allow Spark to interact with even more data sources, such as Kafka, Kinesis, Azure Storage, and Amazon S3.
  • The Spark community maintains a list of third-party packages, enhancing its ecosystem with connectors for external data sources, performance monitors, and more.

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