Spark Driver

Lesson objectives

In this lesson, we will explain the following topics:

  • Learn about the role and key functions of the Spark driver.
  • Understand how the driver schedules and distributes tasks to executors.
  • Explore the communication and resource management responsibilities of the driver.

Spark Driver

The driver is the process in the driver seat.1 of your Spark Application.

Spark Driver: Key functions

  • It transforms all the Spark operations into DAG computations, schedules them, and distributes their execution as tasks across the Spark executors.
  • Controlling the execution of a Spark Application.

Spark Driver: Key functions

  • Acting as a process on a physical machine, responsible for the overall state of the application on the cluster.
  • It instantiates the SparkSession.
  • It requests resources (CPU, memory, etc.) from the cluster manager for Spark’s executors (JVMs).
  • Once the resources are allocated, it communicates directly with the executors.

Spark Driver: Recap

Spark Driver Recap

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  1. Spark: The Definitive Guide, Chapter 15. ↩︎