Getting Max Benefit From This Course

Topics discussed

In this lesson we are discussing the following topics:

  1. How to get the maximum benefit from this course?
  2. Course chapter’s dependencies.



Who should take this course

  1. Big Data Engineer
  2. DWH Engineer
  3. Software Engineer
  4. DevOps Engineer
  5. Business /Entrepreneur

Getting the max benefit from this course

  1. Follow the order of the videos as described.
  2. Read the references for each section (including the implementation of the examples if exists).
  3. Repeat the lecture code with your own.
  4. Do the assignments.
  5. Ask your questions.
  6. Join online meetings or discussions.

Assignments, Labs, and Text Books

  1. Full project code.
  2. Notebooks (Jupyter or Zeppelin).
  3. Read the references.

Other Chapters

Overview | Ch.02: Data Warehouse