Snowflake Dimension

Ch.02: DWH | DWH Components | Data Modeling | Dimension Types

Lesson Notes

Snowflake Dimension Lesson Notes


Snowflake Dimensions

  • Snowflake Dimension is a dimension that has a hierarchy of attributes. This attribute is normalized, and each dimension has a relationship with another hierarchy dimension table.

  • This dimension design not recommended as it has much complexity to the model and query performance. Also, it complicates the ETL process and makes too many dimensions without needs

Snowflake Dimensions Example

Snowflake Dimensions Example

Further Reading

Dimensional Modeling: In a Business Intelligence Environment. The book is free, and you can download it from this link. You can read the following parts for more information about snowflake dimension.

  • Chapter 5: Dimensional Model Design Life Cycle Section 5.4.8
  • Chapter 6.3.7: Identifying dimensions that need to be snowflaked page 277

Previous Chapters

Overview | Ch.01: Intro