Multi Valued Dimension

Ch.02: DWH | DWH Components | Data Modeling | Dimension Types

Lesson Notes

Shrunken Rollup Changing Dimension Lesson Notes:

  1. Presentation Mode
  2. Static Mode


Multi-valued dimensions

  • When the relationships between the dimension member and the fact are many to many which means the dimension members are lower granularity than the facts.

  • Fact table should contains one-to-one relationship with the dimension. So, we introduce the Bridge table when we need to related multiple dimensions values with one record.

Multi-valued dimensions Examples

  • Patients can have multiple diagnoses.

  • Students can have multiple majors.

  • customers can have multiple account.

  • Authors can have multiple publications.

Multi-valued dimensions Article Sales Example

  • Assume we need to report the sales of article and we have some articles has more than one author.

  • Each author has weighting factor for each article.

  • According to the report we need to check each author and associate with the articles they have authored. How can we model this case?

  • Assume the first article has only one author Moustafa, and the second article has two authors Ahmed & Amr.

Implementation 1

Multi-valued dimensions (Implementation-1)

Multi-valued Dimensions Example

What are the problems in this implementation?

  • We can’t get the weighting factor for each author.

  • Duplicated rows in sales.

Implementation 2

Multi-valued dimensions (Implementation-2)

Multi-valued Dimensions Example

Final Implementation

Multi-valued Dimensions Example

Example Reference

Further Reading

Dimensional Modeling: In a Business Intelligence Environment. The book is free, and you can download it from this link. You can read the following:

  • Chapter 6.3.10 Multi-valued dimensions page 288
  • Chapter 6.3.11 Use of bridge tables page 291

Previous Chapters

Overview | Ch.01: Intro