Schema Types

Ch.02: DWH | DWH Components | Data Modeling

Lesson Notes

Fact Tables Lesson Notes:

  1. Presentation Mode
  2. Static Mode


Schema Types

  • Star Schema.

  • Snowflake Schema.

Star Schema

Star Schema Main Characteristics

  • Simplicity: It is the simplest type of DWH schemas.

  • Query effectiveness: Because of simplicity, It needs less join to query the data (It is optimized to query large dataset).

  • Data Redundancy and Large Table Size: Due to de-normalization, it has a data redundancy, and the table size is huge.

  • Most used and widely supported.

Star Schema Characteristics

  • Dimensions represented by one one-dimension table.

  • The dimension table are not joined to each other

  • The fact table would contain key and measure.

  • Data integrity is not enforced due to the de-normalized structure.

Schema Types: Star Schema Example

Star Schema Example

What is Snowflake?

Snowflake Photo taken from <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>

Real Snowflake Photo taken from []

Snowflake Simple Design

Snowflake Simple Design

Snowflake Final Design

Snowflake Final (Complex) Design

Snowflake Schema Characteristics

  • Extension: Snowflake is an extension of the Star Schema.

  • Normalized: Dimension tables are normalized; this means every dimension may expand into additional tables.

  • Disk Space Efficiency: Due to its normalization methodology, it uses less desk space, which enhances the query as we scan less data size.

  • Complicated: Due to the normalization query needs to join more table in some cases to get the data which reduces the performance.

Schema Types: Snowflake schema (Example)

Snowflake Schema Example

Star Vs Snowflake Schema

Dimension represented by one-tableDimension tables are expanded into multi-tables
Fact table surrounded by dimension tablesFact table surrounded by Hierarchy of dimension tables
Less joinRequires many joins
Simple DesignVery Complex Design
De-normalized Data structureNormalized Data Structure
High level of Data redundancyVery low-level data redundancy
Maintenance is difficultMaintenance is easier
Good for datamarts with simple relationships (1:1 or 1:many)Good for core to simplify (many:many)

Previous Chapters

Overview | Ch.01: Intro